Unlike his previous paintings, Picasso's Don Quixote seems like a simple black and white sketch. His previous paintings contained multiple color schemes and symbolism. However, Don Quixote seems to hold more power than the rest. The featured figures look deformed but dramatic. Picasso grasps the fatigue and weariness that the reader feels in Don Quixote. In addition, it seems that the figures in Don Quixote were changed many times before final completion. Don Quixote, on the right of the painting, has a thin neck that connects his head to his rather large body. Compared to Panza, who sits on the left, Don Quixote looks ragged and malnourished. Nonetheless, Picasso captures his audience's attention in Don Quixote with an overall attractiveness and a "bright humor."
A link for the novel, Don Quixote, is below if you would liked to read a summary of the story Picasso based this painting on.
Don Quixote
Don Quixote - Novel
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