Pablo Picasso painted Don Quixote in 1955, and it is one of his more well-known paintings. Don Quixote features the characters Don Quixote de la Mancha and his sidekick, Sancho Panza, which are characters from the story by Miguel de Cervantes.


Picasso painted his second self portrait while he was working on another piece, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. Painted in 1907, Picasso created this piece after he decided to take a break from working on Les Demoiselles.


The woman in Asleeep, painted in 1932, is again Marie Therese, Picasso's mistress. The two colors red and green are so bold and intense that they accentuate the tranquility of Marie Therese while sleeping.


Pablo Picasso painted Girl Before A Mirror in March of 1932. Unlike The Old Guitarist, this painting is a part of Picasso's cubism period. The girl featured in the painting is Marie Therese Walter, who was a mistress of Picasso. She is featured in a number of Picasso's paintings.

Picasso painted The Old Guitarist in 1903 following the suicide of his best friend, Casagemas. Because of his friend's death, Picasso became more sensitive and sympathetic towards the hardships of the ill-treated.

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